Defenders of the Free World?
Five months ago America threatened to veto a UN resolution to make rape a war crime, placing it in the moral company of Russia, China and Saudi Arabia. A week ago America abandoned the Kurds to the Turks. This caused the release of former Islamic radicals who were being held by the Kurds, Russia and the Syrian Defense forces to occupy the ground formerly held by US forces with open arms and mass atrocities committed against the Kurds by the Turkish forces. Have they any right to claim to be the defenders of the free world anymore? Sure, they played their own games when the iron curtain was still up. Yet their self-appointed title, at the very least made them act like that sometimes, in gesture or symbol, even sometimes by a genuine desire to help. If you profess to do good, you must do good sometimes, even if it’s just for the photo shoot. So now America has cast off even the slightest pretense of being the good guy. It’s also lashing out everywhere. At China,